Α. Δημοσιεύσεις σε Ξενόγλωσσα Περιοδικά
Α1. «Vascular compression of the duodenum (cast syndrome) associated with the treatment of spinal deformities. A report of six cases» Sapkas G, O’Brien JP. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 1981;98(1):7-11.
Α2. «Effect of hip dislocation on the blood supply to the femoral head. Anexperimental study in rabbits» Sapkas G, Pantazopoulos T, Karanikas E, Hartofilakidis-Garofalidis G. Acta Orthop Scand. 1983 Apr;54(2):204-9.
Α3. “Fracturen am distalem ende des oberschenkels”. G.Sapkas. Orthopaedic Department – Medical School Athens University. Δημοσιεύτηκε στο περιοδικό “Umfall Chirurgie”, 1984.
Α4.«Anteriorly displaced transverse fracture of the sacrum with fracture-dislocation at the L4-L5 lumbar level» Sapkas G, Pantazopoulos T, Efstathiou P. Injury. 1985 Mar;16(5):354-7.
Α5.“Lumbar Scoliosis in Elderly Osteoporosis” Γ. Σάπκας, Π. Ευσταθίου, Θ. Καραχάλιος, Γ. Λυρίτης, Γ. Κυρίτσης, Κ. Λεβειδιώτης, Κ. Μπαλαλής. “Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Osteoporosis – Social and Clinical Aspects”, p.p. 331-334, που εξεδόθη από τον Οίκο: MASSON ITALIANA EDITORI, MILANO 1986.
Α6.«Double level fractures of the cervical spine»Korres DS, Kyritsis G, Kouvaras J, Sapkas G, Velikas EP. Int Orthop. 1987;11(2):105-8.
Α7.«Single-dose prophylaxis of ceftriaxone versus standard dosage of cefotaxime in the prophylaxis of bacterial complications in orthopedic surgery»Karachalios T, Lyritis G, Hatzopoulos E, Sapkas G. Chemioterapia. 1987 Jun;6(2 Suppl):573-5.
Α8. “Randomized Comperative Trial in a single dose of Ceftriaxone versus standard dosage of Cefotaxime in the Surgical Treatment of the Pertrochanteric fractures”. Th. Karachalios, G. Lyritis, E. Hatzopoulos, G. Sapkas. “Proceedings του V Mediterranean Congress of Chemotherapy”.
Α9. “Burst Fractures of Thoracolumbar spine Treated by decompression and Internal Stabilization”. G.Sapkas, D. Korres, Th. Karachalios, K. Paivanas. Orthopaedic Department – Medical School Athens University. “Journal Bone and Joint Surgery Orthopaedic Transactions”, Vol. 13, No 3, P. 580, 1989.
Α10.«Correlation of spinal canal post-traumatic encroachment and neurologicaldeficit in burst fractures of the lower cervical spine (C3-7)» Sapkas G, Korres D, Babis GC, Efstathiou P, Papaioannou N, Antoniadis A,Kyratzoulis J, Efstathopoulos N. Eur Spine J. 1995;4(1):39-44.
Α11. “Villonodular pigmented synovitis of the Talus”. Ν. Efstathopoulos, G. Karachalios, Z. Agoropoulos, G. Papachristou, Th. Mantzilas, G. Sapkas, G. Liapi. Orthopaedic Department, Medical School, Athens University. “European Journal Orthopaedic Surgery Traumatology” 5: 119-121 (1995).
Α12. “Factors involved in the Development of Non – Union in Tibia fractures treated with external Fixation” Papaioannou, G. Sapkas, D. Mastrokalos. Δημοσιεύτηκε στο “Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery” Vol. 77-B, Supplementum II, p. 122, 1995.
Α13.«Thoracolumbar burst fractures: correlation between post-traumatic spinal canal stenosis and initial neurological deficit» Sapkas G, Efstathiou P, Makris A, Kyratzoulis J. Bull Hosp Jt Dis. 1996;55(1):36-9.
Α14.«Radiological parameters associated with the evolution of degenerativescoliosis» Sapkas G, Efstathiou P, Badekas AT, Antoniadis A, Kyratzoulis J, Meleteas E. Bull Hosp Jt Dis. 1996;55(1):40-5.
Α15. “Anteriorly displaced transverse fractures of the sacrum in adolescents: report of two cases” Sapkas G, Makris A, Korres D, Kyratzoulis J, Meleteas E, Antoniadis A. Eur Spine J. 1997;6(5):342-6.
Α16.«Voluzatione Quantitativa Ed Obiettiva Dei Disturbi Soggettivi in Pazienti con Dolori Lombarti» E.H. Bakas, S.Dimitrakopoulos, G.Sapkas. Dipartimento di Medicina e della Riabilitazione , K.A.T. Hospital, Athene, Grecia. Δημοσιεύτηκε στο Περιοδικό «Sistema Nervoso E Riabilitazione» Italy. No 3 – Anno 1997.
Α17. «Thoracic Spine Injuries, Post-operative neurological deficit and spinal encroachment». G.Sapkas, S.Papadakis, D.Stathakopoulos, A.Badekas, J.Tsarouchas, «Lo Scalpello», Vol 11, (2) 401-405, 1997.
Α18. «Accuracy of the pedicle screw fixation» G.Sapkas, S.Papadakis, D.Stathakopoulos, G.Koudis, K.Kateros, G.Babis “Lo Scapello”, Vol. 11, No 2 (1997).
Α19. «Unstable lesions in Cervico-thoracic junction». G.Sapkas, Ath.Badekas, Stam.Papadakis, Ath.Theodorou, Pan.Efstathiou. Orthop. Dept. Medical School – Athens University. B’ Orthop. Dept. 401 General Military Hospital – Athens
Δημοσιεύθηκε στο Εκδοθέν βιβλίο υπό της Εκδοτικής Εταιρείας Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, Italy 1997, που περιλαμβάνει τις μελέτες που ανακοινώθηκαν στο 2nd European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery.
Α20. «The operative treatment of Spinal malignant tumors. A retrospective study in 25 patients». G.Sapkas, St.Papadakis, Ath.Badekas, N.Roidis, Pan.Efstathiou. Proceedings του Συνεδρίου του ΧIΙ International College of Surgeons». Τα Proceedings εξεδόθησαν από την Εκδοτική Εταιρεία «Monduzzi, Editore – Bologne Italy».
Α21. «Spinal cord decompression and stabilization in malignant lesions of the spine» Sapkas G, Kyratzoulis J, Papaioannou N, Babis G, Rologis D, Tzanis S. Acta Orthop Scand Suppl. 1997 Oct;275:97-100. Α22.«Neglected complete fracture-dislocation at the cervico-thoracic level without neurological deficit»Sapkas GS, Stathakopoulos DP, Chronopoulos E, Papadakis S. Injury. 1998 Jun;29(5):385-9.
Α23. “Evolution of Adult Scoliosis: Risk Factors” Sapkas, Ath. Badekas, N. Papaioannou. Δημοσιεύτηκε στο “Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery”, Vol. 77-B, Supplementum II, p.
Α24.«Surgical management for instability and paraplegia caused by spinalsarcoidosis. A case report»Tzagarakis GP, Papagelopoulos PJ, Sapkas GS, Tsarouchas JK. Spine. 1998 Aug 1;23(15):1711-4. Review. Α25.«Post traumatic paraplegics living in Athens: the impact of pressure sores and UTIs on everyday life activities»Sapountzi-Krepia D, Soumilas A, Papadakis N, Sapkas G, Nomicos J,Theodossopoulou E, Dimitriadou A. Spinal Cord. 1998 Jun;36(6):432-7.
Α26. «Managing Bone Echinococcosis» George Sapkas, Dim.Stathakopoulos, Stam.Papadakis, Athanasios Badekas, John Tsarouchas Orthopaedic Department, Medical School, Athens University, Athens, Greece. International College of Surgeons. Δημοσιεύθηκε στα Proceedings του Συνεδρίου τα οποία εξεδόθησαν από την Εκδοτική Εταιρεία «Monduzzi Editor – Bologna – Italy».
Α27. «Hydatid disease of bones and joints. 8 cases followed for 4-16 years» Sapkas GS, Stathakopoulos DP, Babis GC, Tsarouchas JK. Acta Orthop Scand. 1998 Feb;69(1):89-94.
Α28. «Anterior Vertebrectomy for diseases of the Spine». Sapkas, P. Hadjikostas, K. Iliadis, E.Stylianesi, J. Psycharis, P. Efstathiou, N. Zervakis, J. Vlamis, K. Kateros. Balkan Military Medical Review, 1999, 2 (1): 45-62.
Α29.“Ten-year follow-up evaluation of a school screening program for scoliosis. Is the forward-bending test an accurate diagnostic criterion for the screening of scoliosis” Karachalios T, Sofianos J, Roidis N, Sapkas G, Korres D, Nikolopoulos K. Spine. 1999 Nov 15;24(22):2318-24.
Α30.“Seven- to 20-year outcome of lumbar discectomy” Loupasis GA, Stamos K, Katonis PG, Sapkas G, Korres DS, Hartofilakidis G. Spine. 1999 Nov 15;24(22):2313-7.
Α31.«Evaluation of pedicle screw position in thoracic and lumbar spine fixationusing plain radiographs and computed tomography. A prospective study of 35 patients» Sapkas GS, Papadakis SA, Stathakopoulos DP, Papagelopoulos PJ, Badekas AC, Kaiser JH. Spine. 1999 Sep 15;24(18):1926-9.
Α32.“Radiological parameters associated with the evolution of degenerative Scoliosis”. Stathakopoulos, S. Papadakis, V. Lykomitros, G. Sapkas, “European Spine Journal”, Vol. 8, Suppl. 1, 1999.
Α33.«Operative treatment of unstable injuries of the cervicothoracic junction» Sapkas G, Papadakis S, Katonis P, Roidis N, Kontakis G. Eur Spine J. 1999;8(4):279-83.
Α34. «Clinical Relevance of Specific parameters isolated within the Oswestry and Roland-Morris functional Disability Scales» Boscainos, G. Sapkas, E. Stilianesi, C. Prouskas, D. Stathakopoulos, J.B.J.S. (Br.) 1999:81-B: Supp. II.
Α35. «Operating on patients with Malignant Spinal Tumors: It is worthwhile ?» Sapkas, S. Papadakis, D. Stathakopoulos, P. Efstathiou, P. Papagelopoulos, J.B.J.S. (Br.) 1999: 81-B: Supp II.
Α36. «Clinical relevance of specific parameters isolated within the Greek translation of the Oswestry and Roland-Morris functional disability scales» Sapkas, P. Boscainos, E. Stylianesi, C. Prouskas, 1st Orthopaedic Department, Medical School, Athens University, Greece, Psychometrician Age Concern Institute of Gerontology, Kings College of London, University of London, U.K. «Εuropean Spine Journal», Vol. 9, No 4, p. 354, August 2000.
Α37.«Fixation of femoral shaft fractures with a flexible bundle-type nail»Babis GC, Papagelopoulos PJ, Tsarouchas J, Zoubos AB, Sapkas G,Pantazopoulos T. Clin Orthop. 2000 Nov;(380):226-33.
Α38.«Photo quiz. Echinococcal cyst of the fifth thoracic vertebra in an otherwise healthy young woman» Falagas ME, Siakavellas EC, Sapkas G, Eliadis K, Kontaxis A. Clin Infect Dis. 2000 Mar;30(3):442-3, 567-8.
Α39.«The clinical performance of a small diameter tibial nailing system with a mechanical distal aiming device» Karachalios T, Babis G, Tsarouchas J, Sapkas G, Pantazopoulos T.,Injury. 2000 Jul;31(6):451-9
Α40.«Halo pin intracranial penetration and epidural abscess in a patient with a previous cranioplasty: case report and review of the literature»Papagelopoulos PJ, Sapkas GS, Kateros KT, Papadakis SA, Vlamis JA, FalagasME. Spine. 2001 Oct 1;26(19):E463-7.
Α41.“Multidrug-resistant tuberculous spondylodiscitis: growing evidence for the need of aggressive management of spondylodiscitis and drug susceptibility testing of mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates” Avramopoulos, N. Vakalis, G. Sapkas, M. Christopoulou, J. Xinotroulas, C. Nikolidaki, A. Achimastos, M.E. Falagas Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Vol. 7, Supplementum 1, 2001.
Α42. “Home Care Services for People with Spinal Cord Injuries in Greece. Present Conditions, Prospects: A Study Conducted by the Dephi Method” Despina Sapountzi – Krepia, Spyros Binioris, Maria Tsirintani, George Sapkas ICU’s and Nursing Web Journal, 2001, Issue 6
Α43.«Evaluation of lumbar spine bone mineral density in the anteroposterior and lateral projections by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry»Sapkas GS, Papagelopoulos PJ, Stathakopoulos DP, Papadakis SA, KiratzoulisJM, Stilianessi E. Orthopedics. 2001 Oct;24(10):959-63.
Α44.«Perceptions of body image, happiness and satisfaction in adolescents wearing a Boston brace for scoliosis treatment»Sapountzi-Krepia DS, Valavanis J, Panteleakis GP, Zangana DT, VlachojiannisPC, Sapkas GS. J Adv Nurs. 2001 Sep;35(5):683-90.
Α45.«Recurrent paraplegia caused by spinal echinococcosis»Sapkas GS, Papagelopoulos PJ, Stathakopoulos DP, Babis GC, Tzagarakis GP, Kateros KT. Orthopedics. 2002 Oct;25(10):1087-8.
Α46. “Spinal Echinococcosis Causing recurrent Paraplegia”. A Case Report. Sapkas, P. Papaggelopoulos, D. Stathakopoulos, George Babis, K. Kateros, G. Tzagarakis Orthopedics. 2002 Oct;25(10):1087-8. Athens University Medical School, Athens, Greece
Α47.“Body Image, happiness and satisfaction perceptions of adolescent wearing boston brace for scoliosis treatment” DS Sapountzi – Krepia, J. Valavanis, GP Panteleakis, DT Sangana, PC Vlachoyiannis, GS Sapkas Journal of Advanced Nursing Vol. 35 p. 683 – 2001
Α48. “Tuberculous Sacroilitis” Elias Ch. Papadopoulos, Panayiotis J. Papagelopoulos, Matthew E. Falagas, George S. Sapkas, Olga D. Savvidou, Emmanuel G. Fragkiadakis Orthopaedics, 2003 June, Vol.26, No.6, p.1-5
«Tuberculous Sacroilitis»Papadopoulos ECh, Papagelopoulos PJ, Savvidou OD, Fragkiadakis EG. Falagas ME, Sapkas GS,Orthopedics. 2003 Jun;26(6):653-7; quiz 658-9.
Α49.«Complications and problems related to pedicle screw fixation of the spine»Katonis P, Christoforakis J, Aligizakis AC, Papadopoulos C, Sapkas G,Hadjipavlou A. Clin Orthop. 2003 Jun;(411):86-94.
Α50.«Gertzbein and load sharing classifications for unstable thoracolumbar fractures»Aligizakis AC, Katonis PG, Sapkas G, Papagelopoulos PJ, Galanakis I,Hadjipavlou A. Clin Orthop. 2003 Jun;(411):77-85.
Α51.«Greek versions of the oswestry and roland-morris disability questionnaires»Boscainos PJ, Sapkas G, Stilianessi E, Prouskas K, Papadakis SA. Clin Orthop. 2003 Jun;(411):40-53.
Α52.«Prediction of cobb angle in idiopathic adolescent scoliosis» Sapkas G, Papagelopoulos PJ, Kateros K, Koundis GL, Boscainos PJ, Koukou UI,, Katonis P. Clin Orthop. 2003 Jun;(411):32-9.
Α53.«Editorial comment» Papagelopoulos PJ, Sapkas GS. Clin Orthop. 2003 Jun;(411):2-3.
Α54.«Thoracic spinal injuries: operative treatments and neurologic outcomes»Sapkas GS, Papagelopoulos PJ, Papadakis SA, Themistocleous GS, Stathakopoulos DP, Efstathiou P, Sapoutzi-Krepia D, Badekas ACh. Am J Orthop. 2003 Feb;32(2):85-8.
Α55.«Comparative study of epidemiological inquires of the musicians’ upper limb disorders»I. Ignatiadis, C. Yiannakopoulos, G. Papadopoulis, E. Stylianesi. G.S. Sapkas, J. TriantaphylopoulosRomanian Journal of Hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery Vol 18 – 2003
Α56.«Principles of management of osteometabolic disorders affecting the aging spine»A. Hadjipavlou, P. Katonis, M. Tzermiadianos, G. Tsoukas, G.S. SapkasEur. Spine J. Suppl. 12 S113-S131 – 2003.
Α57.«Functional outcome of the operatively treated unstable complex injuries of the pelvis and the acetabulum»P. Katonis, A. Aligizakis, G. Sapkas, I. Galanakis, P. Korovesis, A. HadjipavlouMinerv, Orthop. Traumatol, 2004:54:403-410.
Α58.«Incomplete paralgesia following use of heroin: a case report and review of the literature»Stam. Papadakis, E. Bambourda Stef. Papadakis, M. Minas, G.S. SapkasEur J. Orthop Surg Traumatol p. 169 – 171 – 2004
Α59.«Multiple fractures of the axis vertebra»D. Korres, P. Papagelopoulos, A. Mavrogenis, G.S. Sapkas, A. Partsinevelos, P. Kyriazopoulos, D. EvangelopoulosOrthpopedics. 2004 Vol 27 n. 10.
Α60.«Scoliosis in Steinerts Syndrome: A case report» Themistocleous, E. Stilianessi, P. Papagelopoulos, E. Papadopoulos, C. Apostolou, G. Sapkas, Spine J. 2005 Mar-Apr;5(2):212-6.
Α61.«A 23 year old woman with complete paralgesia and anesthesia below the T8 level»G. Themistocleous, P. Papagelopoulos, K. Petraki, E. Stylianesi, A. Partsinevelos, G.S. SapkasClin. Orthop and Rel. Research N. 430 p. 258 – 265 – 2005.
Α62.«Informal in hospital care in a rehabilitation setting in GREECE: An estimation of the nursing staff required for substituting this care»D. Sapountzi – Krepia, V. Raftopoulos, M. Sgantzos, A. Dimitriadou, I. Ntourou, G.S. SapkasDisability and rehabilitation January 2006; 28(1): 3-11.
Α63.«Spinal hybatid disease, a rare but existent pathological entity: Case report and review of the literature»GS Sapkas; T. Machinis, G. Chloros, K. Fountas, G. Themistocleous, G. Vrettakos Southern Medical Association 2006 p. 178 – 183.
Α64.“Multidrug resistant tuberculous spondylodiscitis: need for aggressive management and drug susceptibility thesting of mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates” Rafailidis, I. Avramopoulos, G.S Sapkas, M. Falagas Infect 2006 52(2) p. 35 -37
Α65. “Vanishing bone disease of the Ηumerus and the femoral head: A report of two cases” Stam. Papadakis, L. Khaldi, T. Motsitsikas, D. Stathakopoulos, Stef. Papadakis, G.S. Sapkas Orthopedics. 2008 Mar;31(3):278. Review.
Α66. “Stabilization of the lumbar spine using the dynamic neutralization system” G.S. Sapkas , G. Themistocleous, A. Mavrogenis, I. Benetos, N. Metaxas, P. Papagelopoulos Orthopedics. 2007 Oct;30(10):859-65.
Α67.“Postoperative spine infections. A retrospactive analysis of 21 patients” G.S. Sapkas, A. Mavrogenis, D. Mastrokalos, E. Papadopoulos, P. Papagelopoulos Περιοδικό Eur Journal Orthop Surg Traum, April 2006. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2007 Aug;15(2):183-6.
Α68. «Neurological outcome following early versu deleayed lower cervical spine surgery» Sapkas, S. Papadakis, Περιοδικό Journal Orthp. Surg Hing Kong Aug 1007.
Α69. «The association of spinal osteoarthritis with lumbar lordosis» Papadakis, G. Papadokostakis, GS Sapkas, K. Stergiopoulos, S. Papadakis, P. Katonis Περιοδικό Biomed Central Editorial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2010 Jan 2;11:1.
Α70. «Surgical outcome after spinal fractures in patients with ankylosing spondylitis» G.Sapkas, K. Kateros,S. Papadakis, S. Galanakos, E Brilakis, G. Machairas, P. Katonis BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2009 Aug 2;10:96.
Α71. «Recurrent intra-articular osteoeid osteoma of the hip after radiofrequency ablation: a case report and review of the literature» Efstathopoulos, G. Sapkas, F. Xypnitos, I. Lazaretos, D. Korres, V. Nikolaou Cases J. 2009 Jul 17;2:6439.
Α72. «Cement leakage in a symptomatic vertebral hemangioma: a case report and review of the litarure» Evangelopoulos, P. Kontovazenitis, K. Kokkinis, M. Glynos, D. Korres, G. Sapkas Περιοδικό Cases J. 2009 May 6;2:7148
Α73. «Undiagnosed osteoid osteoma of the spine presenting as painful scoliosis from adolescence to adulthood: a case report» Sapkas, N. Efstathopoulos, M. Papadakis Scoliosis. 2009 Apr 27;4:9.
Α74. «Combination of the AO-Magerl and Load-Sharing Classifications for the management of thoracolumbar burst fractures» Katonis, D. Pasku, K. Alpanitaki, G. Kontakis, A. Mavrogenis, D. Korres, G. Sapkas, P. Papagelopoulos Οrthopedics. 2010 Mar 10:158-163. doi: 10.3928/01477447-20100129-07.
Α75. «The impact of bone mineral density on the degree of curvature of the spine» Papadakis, G. Papdokostakis, G. Sapkas, J. Damilakis, P. Katonis J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2011 Mar;11(1):46-51.
Α76. «The influence of the insertion technique on the pullout force of pedicle screws An experimental study» C. Hastistergos, G. Sapkas, S. Kourkoulis Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2010 Apr 20;35(9):E332-7.
Α77. «Treatment of unstable thoracolumbar burst fractures y indirect reduction and posterior stabilization: short-segment versus long-segment stabilization» Sapkas, K. Kateros, S. Papadakis, E. Brilakis, G. Macheras Open Orthop J. 2010 Jan 15;4:7-13.
Α78. «Metastatic epidural spinal cord compression» A.Mavrogenis, P. Papagelopoulos, G. Sapkas, S. Pneumaticos Orthopedics. 2009 Jun;32(6):431-9; quiz 440-1. doi: 10.3928/01477447-20090511-20.
Α79. «The lateral mass screw complications. Analysis of 1662 screws» Sapkas, S. Papadakis, S. Galankaos, D. Pasku, S. Galanakos, A. Bano, P. Katonis, J Spinal Disord Tech. 2011 Oct;24(7):415-20.
Α80. «A rare case of rabdomyolisis and acute renal failure followinf spinal surgery» Sapkas, M. Papadakis, A. Tzoytzopoulos J Neurosurg Spine. 2008 Oct;9(4):387-9.
Α81. «Cauda equine compression in an achondroplastic dwarf. Is complex anterior and posterior surgical intervention necessary? » Sapkas, K. Kateros, S. Papadakis, G. Machairas, Scoliosis. 2008 Dec 4;3:18.
Α82.«Fixation of Mitchell’s osteotomy with bioabsorbable pins for treatment of Hallux Vaglus deformity» Nikolaoy, D. Kores, F. Xypnitos. J. Lazareos, G. Sapkas, N. Efstathopoulos Ιnt Orthop. 2009 Jun;33(3):701-6. Epub 2008 Oct 28.
Α83. « Vertebral Langerhans cell histiocytosis in an adult patient. Case report and review of the literature » Sapkas, M. Papadakis, Acta Orthop Belg. 2011 Apr;77(2):260-4.
Α84. « Pathophysiology and biomechanics of the aging spine » Sapkas, M. Papadakis, Open Orthop J. 2011;5:335-42. Epub 2011 Sep 19.
Α85. « Exogenous and autocrine qrowth factors stimulate human intervertbral disc cell polification via hw ERK and Akt pathways» Pratsinis H., Constantinou V, Pavliiakis K., G. Sapkas, Kletsas D., Orthopo Res. 2012 Junq 30(6) 958-64.Epub 2011 Nov 21.
Α86. « Posterior instrumentation for occipitocervical fusion » Sapkas, SA Papadakis, D Segkos, K. Kateos, G. TSakotos, P. Katonis Open Orthop J. 2011;5:209-18. Epub 2011 Jun 2.
Α87. «Thoracolumbar burst fractures: a systematic review of management» Alpantaki, A. Bano, D Pasku, AF Mavrogenis, PJ Papagelopoulos, G. Sapkas, D Korres, P Katonis, Orthopedics. 2010;Jun;33(6):422-9;Review.
Α88. «Spontaneous tibialis anterior tendon rupture:delayed repair with free-sliding tibialis anterior tendon graft» Sapkas, A. Tzoytzopoulos, F Tsoukas, I. Triantafillopoulos Am J Orthop (Blle Mead NJ). 2008;Dec; 37(12):e213-6.
Α89. «Posterior lumbar interbody fusion versus circumfemential fusion using the B-Twin expandable spinal system» Sapkas, A. Mavrogenis, G. Themistokleous, V. Zachos, G. Kelalis, P Papagelopoulos, Long term Eff Med Implants, 2007; 17(3):217-27